Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Head Coach Gabriel Rainho Seminar July 2013

Gi & No Gi Seminars focusing on Takedowns (attacks and defences) and general competition situations. (rules, strategies, game plan, common mistakes that should be avoided in a competition)

No-Gi Seminar on the 26th of July, in the evening from 6:30 to 9:30.
Price is £20

Gi Seminar will take place on the July, 27 at 2-5pm.
Price is £20.

to attend both seminars total cost is only £35

Seminar will be held at
GFteam London HQ
Combat Company
Global House, Station Building Left
Kew Road
Richmond, Surrey

to book please email gabrielrainho@yahoo.com.br or gfteamlondon@gmail.com

event is supported by Battle Gear