Tuesday, 30 April 2013

1st 2013 heavy weight British Army Champion from GFTEAM UK

1st 2013 heavy weight British Army Champion from GFTEAM UK

Ladies and gentleman, please welcome, the 2013 heavy weight British Army Champion MARC STOCK! Marc dominated his category and won all matches by submissions. CONGRATULATIONS and good job...

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Rodolfo Vieira London Seminar August 2013

Rodolfo Vieira London Seminar August 2013

Rodolfo Vieira GJJ Gi Seminar 11th August 2013 at GFTeam London based at GFTEAM London HQ, Combat Company Academy in Richmond, at 2-5pm. For prices, more details and to book your space please email  gabrielrainho@yahoo.com.br / gfteamlondon@gmail.comVery Limited spaces for Rodolfo's Seminar so please hurry and book to avoid dissapointment.Expiry date for booking: August, 9th 2013 event is supported by Battle Gear BJJ - http://www.bat...
Interview With Head Coach and Founder of GFTEAM Julio Cesar

Interview With Head Coach and Founder of GFTEAM Julio Cesar

picture courtesy of BJJPIX MASTER JULIO CESAR INTERVIEW - OCTOBER, 2012 - Julio, you’ve spent one month teaching BJJ in Europe last year. How do you feel when you see how the sports you’ve loved and practiced for over 30years has become so popular in Europe? JC: When holding BJJ seminars, rather than seeing myself as a teacher, I believe that I share information and knowledge with the students. I never would have imagined that one day, BJJ...

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

GFTEAM BJJ Interclub July 2013

GFTEAM BJJ Interclub July 2013

GFTEAM BJJ interclub July 2013 Gi and No Gi divisions Date: Sunday, 28th of July 2013 Gi Belt divisions: White, Blue and Purple No-Gi divisions: 0-1 years experience, 1-3 years and 3+ Weight Classes for Both (Gi and No-Gi): -65kg / -75kg / -85kg / -95kg / +95kg / Absolute lightweight -80kg / Absolute heavyweight +80kg (Weight in without gi) Limit of 8 people in each category Time for all of the fights: 5 min Rules: under IBJJF Repechage System Registration...

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

GFTEAM Competitors Seminar!

GFTEAM Competitors Seminar!

This seminar is aimed at Competitors and getting competition ready. As one of the Biggest UK BJJ Competition will take place in Birmingham on the 18th and 19th of May and we'd like to invite you to attend this training camp.  The Training Camp will run at GFTeam London HQ based at Combat Company in Richmond and will be taken by Head Coach Gabriel Rainho and GFT Black Belt coming directly from HQ in Rio, Joao Alfredo. Dates: 13th to 17th of...